Horse For Sale
Point Harbor
Point Harbor is a 16.3h, 14 yr old TB gelding. He has experience from Long Stirrup to 3' Hunters. Nice placings in local Derbies. Lovely mover with an easy lead change. quiet enough for an intermediate junior or amateur. Would do well in the TIP classes at any level.
Priced at $15,000
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Horses For Lease
Road Shark
Road Shark is available for a partial on-site lease. He has lots of experience in both the Hunter and Jumper ring. He was Year End Champion in the Special Hunters at a local C rated show series in 2017. He has since been showing in the jumper ring with an amateur rider. Same horse at the shows as he is at home. Quiet on the ground. Not for a total beginner. Perfect for a rider wanting to learn the ropes in the jumper ring or lower level hunters. Fun and easy!
Videos Available on on FB page:
Videos Available on on FB page:
Full or partial on-site lease available at Magnolia Farms riding Academy in Jamestown, NC. "James" is a 17h Canadian WB gelding with miles in the show ring and hunt field. Would be best suited for Long Stirrup or lower level Hunters. Super quiet, easy going under saddle. Perfect for a kid moving up off of ponies or an adult needing a confidence builder.
Videos available on our FB page:
Videos available on our FB page: